Assignor FAQ
Below you can find a list of frequently asked questions regarding Assignor related processes. If you have a question that is not listed below, please contact the State Assignor Coordinator.
Q1: Why do I need to be USSF certified?
Only USSF certified Assignors can assign games using USSF certified Referees. Keep in mind that with your registration you have a $1 million dollar umbrella liability policy paid for by the US Soccer Federation.
Q2: Who must become certified?
Affiliated games require affiliated assignors. If the game is a competitive, travel match then the assignor must be registered. Additionally, all tournaments that are sanctioned by Mass Youth Soccer are required to have USSF registered assignors.
Q3: How do I become certified
Simply sign up for a clinic. Upon successful completion of the clinic you will be added to the database as a certified Assignor.
Q4: How do I re-certify once I become registered?
You must attend an assignor recertification every year to maintain your Assignor status. Click here for more information. If you have questions regarding assignor recertification, please contact the SAC
Q5: How am I sure that I am re-certified?
A list of certified assignors can be found here.
Q6: How can I be notified of upcoming USSF Assignor Clinics?
You should review the Course Schedule by clicking on the blue tab labeled Course Schedule at the top of the massref home page.
Q7: How do I access the Certified Referee list?
Registered Assignors can fill out the request form. This form asks for the contact information you want posted to the web, as well as what kind of access you are seeking. Typically this would be filled out once and then you'll be supplied with a username and password to access the database. If you wish to make changes to your contact information or your access you can fill out the form again. Once you have your username you can access the database. There are four levels of registered assignors in Massachusetts a) a TOWN/CITY assignor (e.g. Mansfield or Framingham) or b) a YOUTH LEAGUE assignor (e.g. Essex or Middlesex League) League or c) a YOUTH REGIONAL (e.g. MAPLE or MASL) or d) an Adult Assignor. Town Assignors have access to their own town as well as the surrounding towns. Youth League Assignors have access to their league and the bordering Youth Leagues. Youth Regional Assignors and Adult Assignors have statewide access.
Q8: How current is the information in the database?
Every attempt is made to keep the information as current as possible. By no means is this a "real time" application. For instance, when an instructional class ( a new Grade 9 or Grade 8 course) is completed, it takes approximately 2 weeks to get the information posted to the database. We hope to make the database more real time in the future to accommodate the needs of the state's assignors, up to and including when referees have re-certified for the next season.
Q9: How can I correct an error in the Referee database?
Please submit any corrections to the State Referee Administrator
Q10: How can I change my access to the list?
Please send email to the State Assignor Coordinator
Q11: How can I network with other assignors?
The master list of assignors can be found on the MSRC website.
Q12: How can I recommend someone for higher levels of competition (e.g. MTOC, State Cup, Adult games)?
You can submit your recommendations by contacting the SRA.
Q13: How do I get a referee assessed?
Different leagues have different procedures regarding assessment. Most people can contact the State Director of Assessment to coordinate an assessment for a referee.
Q14: I'm having trouble with my password, what should I do?
There could be a number of things wrong with one's access. If you you are seeking access for the first time, consider the following; You must be a registered assignor Have filled out what kind of access you're seeking Have your correct email in the MSRC database If all of the above are in order, you can click on the "I forgot my password" link and follow the instructions. You will be mailed a temporary password. Once you have the temporary password, you can log in, the system will ask you to reset a password of your own choosing. Please follow the instructions for choosing a new password. If you are an assignor who has had a password in the past please keep in mind that passwords expire monthly. You can reset your password by following the above instructions.
Q15: Has a course in my area been added to the online database?
The certified referees are added to the database and posted online for access within 4 weeks of the course completion.
Q16: What if I still have a question?
Any question(s) can be forwarded to the State Assignor Coordinator.