Genesis Referee Program
The Genesis Referee Program (GRP) exists to provide a framework to towns and clubs for getting young referee candidates started with refereeing. The GRP is a fantastic program that focuses on creating a positive, consistent, and organized environment that encourages young referees' growth and offers a well-defined path for their referee careers.
We all know that a referee has a difficult job. Towns running a GRP create a development environment that allows beginner referees a chance to learn, make mistakes, and grow into the difficult job with lots of support from mentors and guides. Beginner referees in the GRP are taught rules, mechanics, and positioning in a less threatening situation than they might experience without adequate support.
MSRC and Mass Youth Soccer strongly encourage towns without a Genesis Referee Program to establish one. Referees that go through the program tend to be more confident of their skills at the start and have higher retention than referees coming through normal channels.